Most Reverend Arturo Cepeda“The New Evangelization impels us to continue joyfully responding to the Spirit that never ceases to stimulate our communities to a deep conversion. Our call to celebrate the Gospel and to proclaim it to all our communities is at the very core of the creative ministry of the FIP.  With years of Hispanic experience the Federation will continue to respond to the challenges of today’s world and will continue to serve by offering excellent faith, academic, and ministerial formation to our communities and beyond.”

-Bishop Arturo Cepeda

FIP focuses on leadership formation in the US Hispanic cultural context and on giving ongoing service to pastoral institutes throughout the nation.  While FIP members know that the ministerial landscape is prone to many changes (budgetary cuts, staff turnover and staff reduction) the Federation endeavors to promote ecclesial documents such as Co-Workers in the Vineyard in order to offer members a broad perspective.  FIP recognizes a variety of types of memberships as included within the FIP community:

Institutes: Institutes or centers that offer pastoral formation programs (those free standing institutes which contain the core elements as found in our mission).  Example: Congar Institute

Affiliates: those providing formation programs based either diocesan, regional or local concerns and needs.  Example:  St. Charles Borromeo Parish

: those who support, encourage and make known the mission of FIP in the public forum; Friends are not voting members of FIP.  Example: Ligouri

How do we become members?
Incorporation into FIP is based on yearly payment of dues. Institutes, affiliates and friends become members of FIP by payment of an annual fee. (By Laws FIP)

The annual fee for 2017-2018 is $230.  For more information please contact us at

If you’re interested in becoming a member of FIP, please

download FIP's 2018-2019 membership form here

download FIP's 2019-2020 membership form here

and send it to:

Federation of Pastoral Institutes
Attn: William Becerra
Diocese of Joliet
16555 Weber Rd.
Crest Hill, IL 60403


Membresia FIP Map

There are currently 17 members of FIP
(below is an alphabetized list by name/organization)

William Becerra
ESCAP – Escuela de Capacitación Pastoral, Diocese of Joliet, IL

Javier Cervantes
Dir. Ministerio Hispano
Diocese of Colorado Springs
Instituto Guadalupano de Formación para Adultos

Carmen María Cervantes
Instituto Fe y Vida, Stockton, CA

Hna. Pilar de la Cruz
Archdiocese of New York

Andres García
Hispanic Outreach, Discipulos Misioneros Maryknoll

Gloria Hofer
Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries, Santa Clara University

Roberto Hurteau
LMU Center for Religion and Spirituality, Loyola Marymount University

Socorro Lagarda-Quiroz
Instituto de Ministerio Pastoral Laico, Diocese of Monterey

Nelly Lorenzo
Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral, University of St. Mary of the Lake

Hna. Maria Teresa Montes Lara, O.P.
Instituto Hispano Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

Hilda Noya

South East Pastoral Institute (SEPI), Miami FL

Marlene Orellana
Instituto de Formacion Pastoral, Diocese of Arlington
Maruja Sedano
Ministry Formation Institute, Diocese of San  Bernardino

Alejandro Siller
Congar Institute for Ministry Development, San Antonio, TX

Doris Valentín
Diocese of Buffalo,NY

Ernesto Vega
Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelizacion, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

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