Most Reverend Arturo Cepeda“The New Evangelization impels us to continue joyfully responding to the Spirit that never ceases to stimulate our communities to a deep conversion. Our call to celebrate the Gospel and to proclaim it to all our communities is at the very core of the creative ministry of the FIP.  With years of Hispanic experience the Federation will continue to respond to the challenges of today’s world and will continue to serve by offering excellent faith, academic, and ministerial formation to our communities and beyond.”

-Bishop Arturo Cepeda

The Federation serves and collaborates through fruitful connections with other pastoral institutions such as: National Federation of Priests’ Councils.



ENAVE - National V Encuentro for ministry among Hispanics / Latinos
The V Encuentro is a three-year process of pastoral-theological reflection culminating in a national event in the summer of 2016.

Subcommittee Chairman, Bishop Gerald Barnes
Mr. Alejandro Aguilera-Titus

St. John's

Activities and events were FIP is invited representing its membership. FIP provides voice to our membership in different national forums within the Church about our needs and concerns, in addition to promoting the mission and vision of FIP.

  • FIP is an active representative of the ENAHVE committee (En Camino Hacia el V Encuentro), promoted by the Secretariat for Diversity, Hispanic/Latino Communities. In the last session during the month of February 2015 in Baltimore, members of this committee gathered with the Regional Episcopal leadership, to learn and discuss about the responsibilities, goals and work tools available to organize and promote regional committees which will be the work-base for the V Encuentro. Members of ENAHVE provide assistance to these regional committees. Several members of FIP also participate representing their own institutes and formation centers. For more information and updates please visit the website:
  • “Toward Canonical Consideration for Lay Ecclesial Ministry”.(Hacia una Consideración Canónica para el Ministerio Eclesial Laico) gathering in May 20-21, 2015 St. John’s University. FIP has been invited to send a representative to this gathering because for membership and because we have been sponsors for the past two symposiums organized by St Johns’ University, on the USCCB document “Coworkers in the Vineyard of the Lord”. On this gathering we will analyze and discuss presentations prepared on the theme of Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministers. This event is a pathway to the planning and preparation of the Third Symposium in 2016 to further the discussions and conclusions of the past two symposiums on the USCCB document of Coworkers in the Vineyard of the Lord.
  • SUMMIT, organized by USCCB in St. Louis MO June 708, 2015. The purpose is to know the history and implementation process of the bishops’ document Coworkers in the Vineyard of the Lord, considering actual demographic changes in our Church today. FIP is invited together with bishops, lay ministers, religious men and women involved in formation based on this document.