Most Reverend Arturo Cepeda“The New Evangelization impels us to continue joyfully responding to the Spirit that never ceases to stimulate our communities to a deep conversion. Our call to celebrate the Gospel and to proclaim it to all our communities is at the very core of the creative ministry of the FIP.  With years of Hispanic experience the Federation will continue to respond to the challenges of today’s world and will continue to serve by offering excellent faith, academic, and ministerial formation to our communities and beyond.”

-Bishop Arturo Cepeda

The Federation is committed on the formation and education of all the Latin communities on all levels. Performs this function through collaboration and exchange of experience and resources to help meet pastoral and educational needs of the laity leadership while recognizing the contributions made to the Catholic Church in the United States.

Conceptos E Instrumentos prácticos para Institutos PastoralesHANDBOOK OF THE FEDERATION OF PASTORAL INSTITUTES (FIP)
For Catholic Institutes of Pastoral Formation serving the Hispanic Community in the United States

Builders of the Present and the Future of our Church

Part I: Theological–pastoral framework

  1. Historical Foundations of Hispanic Ministry Formation
  2. Theological-pastoral Framework

Part II: Practical Guide for the Institutes

  1. Types of Institutes, Levels of Formation, and Functions of Pastoral Formation Instructors
  2. Curriculum, Programs, and Courses
  3. Students: Profile and Standars for Registration and Certification

Part III: Contributions and Sample Documents

  1. Fundamental Ecclesial Documents
    for Hispanic Ministry Formation
  2. Glossary of Terms
  3. Annotated Bibliography
    of Key Documents
  4. Examples of Practical Documents
  5. Bibliography

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