Most Reverend Arturo Cepeda“The New Evangelization impels us to continue joyfully responding to the Spirit that never ceases to stimulate our communities to a deep conversion. Our call to celebrate the Gospel and to proclaim it to all our communities is at the very core of the creative ministry of the FIP.  With years of Hispanic experience the Federation will continue to respond to the challenges of today’s world and will continue to serve by offering excellent faith, academic, and ministerial formation to our communities and beyond.”

-Bishop Arturo Cepeda
President's Corner

FIP President’s Note

By Reynaldo Montemayor Jr. PhL.
President of the FIP
Director of Pastoral Institute - Diocese of Laredo (TX)

Reynaldo Montemayor Jr. PhL.First of all, we congratulate His Excellency, Bishop Felipe Estévez, a friend and episcopal consultant of FIP, for his nomination as titular bishop of the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida. I hope with a filial spirit that he continue accompanying and granting his friendship and support to the FIP, and in spite of his new obligations. Either way, on behalf of the FIP, we are grateful for his pastoral companionship and direction in our meetings and processes. And as a friend and consultant, his guidance and paternal counsel will be filially solicited as we may be in need of it.

I also want to thank Sr. Ruth Bolarte for her years of service and leadership as president of our Federación de Institutos Pastorales (Federation of Pastoral Institutes). I also very personally thank her willingness and spirit of service in offering herself up for election as our new vice-president of the FIP.

To all, members of the FIP, I send a cordial greeting and thanksgiving for having elected me as your new president. I also ask for your blessings and prayers for me and for the new Board of Directors.
I start my tasks as president with great trust in God and much hope in the Board of Directors and the rest of the FIP members. I promise to be faithful to the bylaws of our federation: to make its vision a reality and to fulfill its mission. To make this happen I need to count on the support and commitment of all FIP members.

In spite of the fact that FIP’s  vision and mission have been questioned, and that we are currently working very closely with the Bylaws Committee to discern a needed renovation or adaptation, I believe that there is no question about the FIP’s essential vision of being a collaborative network among institutes of formation at the national level, that formalizes and structures itself as a federation. Neither do I believe there is a question about FIP’s essential mission, already outlined in four aspects in our bylaws:

To serve other pastoral institutes which work with the Hispanics with the purpose of encouraging, supporting and giving them orientation in the basis of knowledge and experience of the Federation.” This aspect of our mission is fulfilled in a concrete way thanks to the FIP accreditation program and process, which through its Accreditation Committee has granted, and is in the process of granting, the Federación de Institutos Pastorales (Federation of Pastoral Institutes) Accreditation to various member institutes. The FIP is ready to give this service to other institutes of pastoral formation that request this accreditation on behalf of our national federation.

These  concrete examples that I offer on how the FIP fulfills today the four aspects of its mission tend to combine and support or enrich each other, likewise the FIP members are here to support and enrich each other to fulfill our particular missions and at the same time our common mission, that of the FIP. I, as the first at your service, commit to the FIP’s vision and mission. We can continue doing a lot and more through the FIP, if we could count on more members than what we have and if many more of these would be very committed in a FIP committee! I invite you to increase our membership and expand our committees to do the work that is of benefit to us all, and not only to the FIP, but to all the Church, in particular the Church here in the United States of America.

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